Caden – Mega Store Responsive WordPress Theme Discount – 93% OFF
Caden theme generates large blocks by combining cms blocks and WordPress plugins. Daily Deals offer discounted products with a countdown timer and product description. In admin, specify a special price and the start and end dates for a product’s promotion. New, onsale, featured, bestseller, and most viewed product types are displayed in each tab with Tabs Product Slider or in each Products Slider module. Quickview is a useful popup that displays product information such as a thumbnail, description, price, rating, and, of course, customers can purchase that product directly via the Add To Cart button. The Categories Slider displays featured categories as well as thumbnails for each of them. Vertical Megamenu allows you to display a large number of product categories in a vertical direction, each with a small thumbnail image. Shipping policy and related issues, as well as advertising, are displayed via