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GeoDirectory Events Plugin – WorldPress IFY


  • 100% Original - All Premium Features Included.

    We Purchase and Download From Original Developers, to provide the most authentic & relevant version. Note: We're not directly affiliated or associated with PowerPack Elements for Elementor developers and we appreciate the authors' effort and original work. Names, expressions and trademarks are used to the minimum extent necessary to truthfully and accurately identify the item.

  • Safe & Secure

    The File Is Scanned Daily by Norton & McAfee to ensure safety, 100 % Free from Virus / Malware / Malicious Script etc. Run your own online Security check now (button under product image).

  • Unlimited Site & Domain Usage

    File can be used on as many sites as you want, in accordance to WordPress's GPL licensing policies. 

  • Updates Included (6 Months) - From WorldPressify

    We make sure that your site is always up to date, you will be notified the moment a new version is released on WorldPressify and the new download link automatically delivered to your email.

  • Why So Cheap?

    WordPress enforces the GPL/GNU license on ALL plugins & themes that 3rd party developers create for WordPress. The GPL license means that every script written for WordPress and their derivatives, must be free (Including all plugins and Themes). We are able to offer prices which are incredibly low for official items due to the fact we purchase all items directly from the authors and redistribute them to the public. The Price is a one-time price for full access, It's not a recurring payment. Original Author Support is not included if purchased from WorldPressify.


GeoDirectory Events Plugin Discount – 93% OFF

Create your Advanced Events Directory 

Our GeoDirectory Events directory add-on provides you with all the power of a standard custom post type but with Event centric fields and sorting.

  • Recurring events let users add their events once and automatically populate the directory with recurring listings.
  • Advanced Filtering options let users filter events to only show precisely the events that suit their dates.
  • Multiple Events CPTs, combined with our Custom Post Types add-on, you can make any CPT Event specific.
  • Price Specific Features with Pricing Manager. Upsell features such as “recurring events” by limiting it to paid price packages only.
  • Link Events to a “venues” CPT (CPT add-on required) and show a tab of all upcoming events on a venue listing and a link to the venue from the event listing.
  • Calendar view is a helpful feature that will show users what days have events running during each month.
  • Advanced Search – Using our Advanced Search add-on, you can add date fields to the main search bar allowing exact date searches.

events plugin

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