Gloria Multiple Concepts Blog Magazine Theme Discount – 93% OFF
For a news, newspaper, magazine, lifestyle or review site, the Gloria template is perfect. It also supports YouTube and Vimeo videos and features a rating system. The best clean SEO practices are used, and on top of that, is that right? It’s short, basic, and easy to use. You’ll still have access to lifetime updates at no added cost so far.
Main Features:
Integrated Pagebuilder: Build homepage content by select, drag & drop modules into sections. Very flexible easy to use.
Mega Menu: Displays posts in a category menu item beautifully with the Mega Menu option.
Ajax Load Posts: Load the next posts without reloading the whole page. Keep your readers read more and more!
Ajax Login: Keep your reader login without redirect to the WordPress login page
Sticky Sidebar: Can be setup for every page
Fully Responsive: The theme displays great on all screen size. Also has an option to hide sidebar when in responsive layout.
RTL Support
SEO Optimized: Rich snippet for post and reviews, also support Google Authorship.
Multiple Blog Layouts: Choose between 6 layouts for your blog: Masonry with Sidebar, Masonry full width (no Sidebar), Classic Blog, Large Blog, Square Grid with Sidebar, Square Grid Full width You can also choose layout for each WordPress default templates: Category, Tag, Author, Index and Search.
Integrated Review System: Easy to add review to a post with summary (can include Pros and Cons list).
Google Web Fonts: Support Google Web Fonts.
Custom Color: Choose any color scheme you want for your site.
Powerful Theme Options: Powerful yet easy to use Theme Options.
Translation Ready: The theme comes with .po and .mo file so you can translate it into any language you want.
Post Format: Support WordPress default formats: standard, video, gallery, image.
Optional Video Thumbnail: Use video iframe or standard featured image for video post.
Customizable Header: You can set background for site header. Also has an option to fixed header menu.
Customizable Sidebar: Unlimited sidebar with the intergrated Custom Sidebar Generator. You can choose a specific sidebar for each WordPress default templates:Category, Tag, Author, Index, Single and Search. You can also choose between 2 locations for sidebar (left or right).
Customizable Category: You can choose a specific layout for each category page
Logo And Favicon Upload: You can upload your own Logo and Favicon for your site.
Boxed And Wide Layout: Choose your desired layout with just one click.
Review System: Very flexible with 4 positions for review box. You can also enable user rating with one click
Cross-browser Compatible: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9+.
Responsive Ads: Place your Ads banner in almost anywhere with Ads modules and Widget Ads (header, between modules, sidebar, footer).
Built-in Related Posts.
Built-in Social Sharing that supports counter for each Social element and total share counter.
Compatible with Contact Form 7 plugin.
Well documented with a lot of images and tutorial videos.