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MyThemeShop Crypto Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme – WorldPress IFY


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MyThemeShop Crypto Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency WordPress Theme Discount – 93% OFF

The best theme for cryptocurrency-based blogs is Crypto. Crypto has many unique features for cryptocurrencies, apart from standard blogging features, which make it the cryptocurrency theme most sought-after by crypto writers, traders, commentators, and spectators. It offers various forms of monetization and can be used to cover the cryptocurrency world’s blockchain, BitCoin, AltCoins and any other subject.
We’re sure you’ve heard of Bitcoin and a few cryptocurrencies before. Yet you know that today there are over 1300+ cryptocurrencies. The more mind-boggling figure is that $800 billion has now been touched by the combined market capitalization of all the cryptocurrencies.
What that means is that it’s the ideal time to launch a cryptocurrency site. And just for that, we have created the Crypto theme. It was developed from scratch with the different features a cryptocurrency blog would have in mind.
You can use the other useful features to blog about different subjects, but Crypto is not restricted to just cryptocurrencies. Check out Crypto’s features in detail below:
Specific Architecture
In several aspects, the Crypto theme is special. It is designed to satisfy the requirements of cryptocurrency blogs from the ground up, but it can also be used for many other niches. Our engineers spent a lot of time on the drawing board to ensure that every blogger’s needs are met by Crypto.
Show Live Coin Price
Live Coin Price Display
In every financial market, the most important piece of data is the price. Crypto has the capacity for various cryptocurrencies to show live coin prices. Use this feature to cover news, evaluate action, and provide accurate and timely details about the world of cryptography to your users.
Build a Coin Dedicated Page
Right now, there are over 1300 cryptocurrencies in the world, and it can be daunting for your readers to cover all of them. Crypto allows you to create dedicated pages for individual crypto coins, which can be used to consolidate all the important details, historical information, news, and coin trends on your website in the same place.
Show Data on Historical Prices
The further back you can look, the farther ahead you are likely to see,” Winston Churchill said.” That, including cryptocurrencies, is also true of the financial market. The historical price data feature of Crypto enables you to share cryptocurrency price history, using which you display important patterns and share your analysis with your readers.
Compare coins to various currencies
We don’t know how cryptocurrencies in the future will be priced, but they are priced against standard currencies at the moment. The theme of Crypto lets you match various crypto coins against different currencies.

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